I've been exploring adding fun, colorful elements to my written journal in an effort to entice myself into more brain dumping! My buzzy brain needs time to let go of everything that is flying around and journaling has helped that tremendously!

However, I've also found that showing up to plain, lined pages is not inspiring to me. I thrive on color and visual elements. Even small bits of collage or mark making with colored pencils can invite me to dive into the journal and let it all out.

I thought maybe my community might find this helpful as well. So, I created a mini challenge class where you received one short recorded lesson everyday for 6 days. The supplies were simple and the techniques easy to accomplish.

On day 7, we gathered LIVE on Zoom to answer questions and play even more! That recorded session was added to the classroom along with a BONUS Day 8 exercise!

There are now a total of 30 days of prompts!

I'm calling it a challenge so that you can start to work on the habit of showing up to your creativity.

The ideas I'm sharing can be used in:
  • a written journal
  • your planner
  • an art journal
  • and even small paper craft projects.
You will have lifetime access to the class to work through at your own pace. If you have already purchased the class, any new lessons that are added are yours to enjoy. Let's do this together!

Hi, I’m Consie Sindet, a creative on a journey. I believe that we should always be learning, growing, trying, failing and embracing the process through it all. While I continue on my journey to try it all, I invite you to come along for the ride. Over my 13+ years of teaching creativity in many forms, I have been part teacher, guide and coach to my students.

In 2014, I discovered art journaling and mixed media, and a new world opened to me. I have found art journaling to be the most freeing way to express myself. After all, it’s really mostly paint, paper and glue. Nothing precious. Anything goes. Hate it? Turn the page.

My job is to show you by example through my online classes (and the occasional in-person class!) that you are creative. That you can find freedom, playfulness and joy by slapping down some paint, gluing magazine pages all over a piece of paper, adding some doodling and marks, finding a quote that screams…This is how I feel today!…and calling it good enough.

Every time I create a class, an art journal page or any of the myriad of mixed media projects that live inside my head, I learn something new about myself. I would love for you to join me on this journey. Let me be your teacher, guide and coach and show you how to use the creativity that lives inside all of us!

Join this 30 day challenge and dive back into your creativity!

A great value at $30.00

  • 30 lessons
  • Jump around or do them in order!
  • Simple art supplies
  • A journaling prompt for every day
  • A fabulous way to add to your morning pages or daily journaling practice!

Buy Now (Instant Access)